Agency Creek
The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) is announcing the opportunity to submit proposals for the Agency Creek restoration project. This project is scheduled to commence in Summer 2024, work must be completed July 15 to September 30, 2024. All proposals must be received electronically by 4 pm on March 15, 2024. Additionally, a Mandatory Pre-bid site visit will be held on February 20, 2024. Please RSVP with CREST Project Manager Jason Smith [email protected] to confirm details by COB February 16, 2024.
CREST developed the Agency Creek restoration project to reconnect full fish passage into 22 acres of prime floodplain habitat along the Columbia River. Specific project objectives include:
A. Increase the area of tidal foraging and refuge habitat for juvenile ESA-listed salmonids.
B. Improve fish access and tidal flows to existing tidal wetland habitat patches.
C. Increase production and food resources into the Columbia River estuary from the site.
The Agency Creek RFP, specifications, designs, conditions of the contract, and other supplemental information pertinent to the RFP is available using the links below:
Agency Creek Cover Letter
Agency Creek RFP
Appendix A - Agency Plan Set
Appendix B - Technical Specifications
Appendix C - Bid Sheet
Appendix D - Construction Maintenance Agreement
Appendix E - GWRR/PNWR Public Projects Manual
Appendix F - Right of Entry Agreement
Appendix G - Geotechnical Report
GWRR/PNWR Specifications
Contract Forms
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
Agency Creek
The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) is announcing the opportunity to submit proposals for the Agency Creek restoration project. This project is scheduled to commence in Summer 2024, work must be completed July 15 to September 30, 2024. All proposals must be received electronically by 4 pm on March 15, 2024. Additionally, a Mandatory Pre-bid site visit will be held on February 20, 2024. Please RSVP with CREST Project Manager Jason Smith [email protected] to confirm details by COB February 16, 2024.
CREST developed the Agency Creek restoration project to reconnect full fish passage into 22 acres of prime floodplain habitat along the Columbia River. Specific project objectives include:
A. Increase the area of tidal foraging and refuge habitat for juvenile ESA-listed salmonids.
B. Improve fish access and tidal flows to existing tidal wetland habitat patches.
C. Increase production and food resources into the Columbia River estuary from the site.
The Agency Creek RFP, specifications, designs, conditions of the contract, and other supplemental information pertinent to the RFP is available using the links below:
Agency Creek Cover Letter
Agency Creek RFP
Appendix A - Agency Plan Set
Appendix B - Technical Specifications
Appendix C - Bid Sheet
Appendix D - Construction Maintenance Agreement
Appendix E - GWRR/PNWR Public Projects Manual
Appendix F - Right of Entry Agreement
Appendix G - Geotechnical Report
GWRR/PNWR Specifications
Contract Forms
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
South Tongue Point Restoration - Post-Contruction Plantings
CREST seeks a qualified contractor to plant herbaceous and woody plants at the South Tongue Point Restoration site, which completed construction in early November. CREST has already purchased all plant material and seeks only planting labor and limited transportation for two separate planting efforts, one in December 2023 and one in February 2024. Proposals are due by email by 4:00 PM on December 1st, 2023.
Cover Letter
Bid Sheet
Appendix A - Drawings
Appendix B - Specifications
Addendum #1
South-Greenhead-Bear Confluence Project: Feasibility Study, Alternatives Analysis, 60% Design
The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) is announcing the opportunity to submit proposals for South-Greenhead-Bear Confluence Project: Feasibility Study, Alternatives Analysis, and 60% Design. Applications will be accepted until November 17th, 2023 at 4pm.
Cover Letter
Appendix I
Addendum 1
Addendum 2