RFP: Deep River Connectivity - Preliminary Design
Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) is seeking professional services for a technical lead for the physical investigation, hydraulic modelling, alternatives analysis, and initial design for infrastructure corrections and habitat restoration on the East Fork Deep River in Wahkiakum County, Washington. The project is sponsored by CREST and funded by the Washington Coast Restoration and Resiliency Initiative.
CREST requires a firm with direct experience in flood mitigation, floodplain habitat restoration, culvert and tide gate engineering, and hydrodynamic modeling. The scope of work detailed in this request represents the preliminary design phase of this project. Current funding will cover subsequent design phases (including geotechnical surveys), resulting eventually in final, stamped designs.
The East Fork Deep River valley is largely agricultural, with multiple road and driveway crossings and built infrastructure within the historical floodplain. The valley is privately owned by numerous landowners, with several County-maintained roads and private driveways. This project seeks to replace/remove failing tide gates under East Deep River Road, reduce flooding of private lands and public roads, improve fish passage especially for ESA-listed salmonids, and improve riparian and wetland habitat. All work elements must be approved by relevant landowners, meaning coordination with landowners is essential for project success.
There will be a pre-bid site visit on August 26th. Attendance is recommended but not required. For more information and to RSVP, contact the project manager at [email protected]. Please RSPV no later than 5:00 PM on August 23rd.
Please NOTE Addendum to proposal below.
Proposals are due in electronic format by 4:00 PM on September 13th. Please email documents to the project manager, Tracy Hruska, at [email protected]. Files should be in Word or Excel format, no larger than 20 MB. Details on proposal components are included in the RFP document.
CREST requires a firm with direct experience in flood mitigation, floodplain habitat restoration, culvert and tide gate engineering, and hydrodynamic modeling. The scope of work detailed in this request represents the preliminary design phase of this project. Current funding will cover subsequent design phases (including geotechnical surveys), resulting eventually in final, stamped designs.
The East Fork Deep River valley is largely agricultural, with multiple road and driveway crossings and built infrastructure within the historical floodplain. The valley is privately owned by numerous landowners, with several County-maintained roads and private driveways. This project seeks to replace/remove failing tide gates under East Deep River Road, reduce flooding of private lands and public roads, improve fish passage especially for ESA-listed salmonids, and improve riparian and wetland habitat. All work elements must be approved by relevant landowners, meaning coordination with landowners is essential for project success.
There will be a pre-bid site visit on August 26th. Attendance is recommended but not required. For more information and to RSVP, contact the project manager at [email protected]. Please RSPV no later than 5:00 PM on August 23rd.
Please NOTE Addendum to proposal below.
Proposals are due in electronic format by 4:00 PM on September 13th. Please email documents to the project manager, Tracy Hruska, at [email protected]. Files should be in Word or Excel format, no larger than 20 MB. Details on proposal components are included in the RFP document.